Your PC has been identified as needing your help to fix a technical issue:
Please follow these steps
- Take the below commands and copy them into your clipboard. (highlight the text, right click and choose “Copy”)
- Press Windows-R and type powershell (enter)
- A black or blue box will appear, waiting for you to type something.
- Right-click the mouse button anywhere in that box and the below commands will be pasted.
- If you are prompted to run/execute anything, please say “Yes”
- You should see two messages, press OK on each.
- When it’s done, you’ll see a green “Success” or a red “Something went wrong”
- You’ll be prompted to “press enter” and close the powershell window.
- Please reply to the email you got that sent you here and let them know you completed the tasks.
Thank you!!
# Highlight and copy the below lines into a regular PowerShell command
#copy from here down through the “exit” command
$arg1=”/X{3BB93941-0FBF-4E6E-CFC2-01C0FA4F9301} /qb”
$Process=start-process msiexec.exe -Argumentlist $arg1 -Verb RunAs -Wait;
$url=”” # Vesta
$ProgressPreference = ‘SilentlyContinue’
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$fileName=$env:temp+”\”+(Split-Path -Path “$url” -Leaf)
invoke-WebRequest -Uri “$url” -Outfile “$fileName”
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i,$fileName,/qb,LicenseAccepted=YES,/L*V,$env:temp\installation.log
remove-item $filename
if (test-path “C:\program files\m2dcontechnologiesrmm\bin\”) {write-host “Success!” -foregroundcolor green} else {write-host “Something went wrong” -foregroundcolor red}
read-host “Completed – press enter”